Guide To 奥克兰 餐厅

奥克兰 提供了一个巨大的选择,在各种各样的设置,包括海滨外出就餐的选择, 港口, 郊区, 高档, and chic downtown.  Based on our local expertise, we've created a guide to the main dining areas of 奥克兰, rather than an exhaustive neighbourhood list.


Wynyard季度 is one of the most popular places in 奥克兰 for families to eat out. Crossing Te Aro Bridge from 高架桥港口, 经过活动中心,步行到滨水区是一段愉快的旅程,那里有适合家庭用餐的餐厅.  Choose from Indian, 西班牙语, 意大利, 海鲜和牛排餐厅都有室外用餐区,可以欣赏海港的景色.

杰利科街(Jellicoe Street)上平行分布着泰国餐馆、披萨餐馆和美国“深南”餐馆.  Jellicoe Street is also home to 奥克兰's Fish Market, which apart from selling the best fresh fish in town, also includes a courtyard restaurant with live music at the weekends.  After lunch, families can enjoy taking the kids to 筒仓公园, a few yards further along.  查看我们的 Wynard Quarter video.


高架桥港口 是奥克兰首屈一指的夜生活场所,游艇林立的港口被一些城市的顶级餐厅和酒吧包围.  从 the multi-levelled Saint Alice restaurant, 到“灵魂酒吧”和总部餐厅迷人的阳台用餐区.  Competing for space amongst the restaurants, party goers can chose from a diverse mixture of bars including cocktail, 体育, waterfront and rooftop bars, many which offer late afternoon/early evening happy hours.  高架桥港(高架桥港口)仍然是夜生活的好去处. 


位于市中心的码头街附近,与高架桥港相邻, 王子码头 is lined with several waterside dining spots.  “野火”餐厅提供的“任你吃”的丰富肉类菜单是第一家吸引食客的餐厅.  码头附近还有西班牙小吃和希尔顿酒店的贝里尼酒吧. 


The trendy designer label shopping preccint of Britomart 这里有奥克兰最时髦的酒吧和餐馆,就在皇后街附近.  在这里,你会发现一些最酷的后街酒吧、时髦的咖啡馆和主题餐厅.  “墨西哥”的魅力在于其温暖舒适的内部和墨西哥人的“最爱”,Brew on Quay提供了一个很好的酒吧用餐选择,配有屋顶酒吧. 


皇后街是一条三公里长的道路,从码头街延伸到Karangahape路,是孟买的主要购物中心 downtown 奥克兰.  Along the street itself there are a number of fast food eateries, while towards the upper end is a collection of no frills asian restaurants.  Towards the lower end, off on Vulcan Lane,are a couple of pub options.  Occidental是一家比利时啤酒咖啡馆,隔壁是这座城市最古老的酒吧, the Queens Ferry Hotel.  在附近, 大法官街是一个可爱的广场,有高档商店和几家带庭院座位的餐馆.

Midway up 皇后大街, behind the department store of Smith and Caugheys, 艾略特马厩是一个兼收并蓄的工匠餐馆与法国薄饼, 西班牙语, 意大利, 德国, japanese eateries creating an 'epicurean village environment'.  Situated on the corner of Victoria Street West and Federal streets, The Skytower includes Skycity's Casino, Hotel and around 14 restaurants to choose from including The Orbit, a 360 revolving restaurant at the top of the Skytower. 

Karangahape Road

The lively 'K-Road' represents the edgier side of 奥克兰, attracting artists, musicians and the creative types.  This is the place to catch a drag artist and cabaret shows, find gay and lesbian clubs and browse retro clothing stores.  There are plenty of 咖啡馆, 一个美食广场和一堆迎合世界各地口味的餐馆——伊朗, 马来西亚, 泰国, 日本, 朝鲜文, 蒙古, 土耳其, European and more. 


Just two kilometres from the downtown area, Ponsonby餐厅被称为“奥克兰的餐厅”,提供各种美食, 咖啡馆, bars and bakeries.  庞森比中央是一个新鲜的农产品市场和一个屋檐下的庞森比路餐饮选择的集合. Choose from japanese, chorizo, thai, pizza, seafood and a couple of 咖啡馆.  On Sundays, a weekly market takes place.


A short drive or bus from the city centre, 帕内尔 is an upmaket 郊区 with a real village feel.  Boutique shopping, 古色古香的咖啡馆和高品质的餐厅使帕内尔成为远离“游客”的热门景点,.  餐饮选择范围从精致的餐饮法国影响美食的安托万的, to mediterranean courtyard, thai and indian restaurants and the casual pub food of 温莎城堡 and the Bog Irish Bar.


If you are looking for beachside dining close to the city centre, head along Tamaki Drive to the popular 郊区 of 使命湾.  与海滩平行的主要道路两旁都是咖啡馆,其中许多咖啡馆全天提供餐饮, takeaways and a few restaurants that take advantage of the beach views.  De Fontein's Belgium Beer Cafe的二楼阳台提供了一些在使命湾最好的用餐景观.  Continue further along to 圣艾利耶你会得到一个更安静、更高档的海滩,那里有一些酒吧和餐馆. 


从码头街的主要渡轮码头出发,只需12分钟, 德文波特 is a pretty seaside village with lots of quality 咖啡馆 and restaurants.  大多数咖啡馆和餐馆都排列在主要的商业街上,这条街从渡轮码头一直延伸到 维多利亚山.

滨海酒店包括靠近渡轮码头的户外座位,而麦卢卡咖啡馆是一个受欢迎的选择,在镇中心有一个广泛的全天菜单. 在商业街的顶端,有小吃、小酒馆和意大利餐厅等着你.  沿着爱德华国王游行(King Edward Parade),在可爱的海边散步,找到鱼雷湾咖啡馆(鱼雷湾咖啡馆紧邻海军博物馆),在那里可以看到奥克兰港的最佳景色.